Wrestlemania 2018 Winners and highlights from Sunday night

Wrestlemania 2018

WWE WrestleMania 2018 results: Winners and highlights from Sunday night**

WrestleMania 34! It’s now over! And we covered it from start to finish! WWE’s biggest show of the year went down in New Orleans, and we live blogged the whole thing. Wrestlemania 2018

The kickoff show featured three matches: the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal, the Cruiserweight Championship match, and the first-ever Women’s Battle Royal. Matt Hardy won The ‘Dre, with help from his new bff, a returning Bray Wyatt. Cedric Alexander is your new Cruiserweight champ after defeating Mustafa Ali, and Naomi won the Women’s Battle Royal after Bayley thought she had won by throwing soon-to-be-former-bff Sasha Banks out.

As for the full show, you can find the live blog below. Scroll down to the bottom for the start of the show, and work your way back up. Wrestlemania 2018

And, if this live blog is a daunting task for you, there’s always the seven things we learned from WrestleMania 34. Wrestlemania 2018

oman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar (c) for the WWE Universal Championship
Brock Lesnar has had the WWE Universal Championship since he won it at WrestleMania 33 last year. Roman Reigns and Lesnar faced off at Mania 31 for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, and were interrupted by Seth Rollins’ Money in the Bank cash-in before we could find out which one was going to be the winner. This main event at WrestleMania 34 is meant to answer that question. Wrestlemania 2018

Lesnar quickly unleashes three German suplexes, and is already purple. Roman Reigns answers with a few Superman Punches, and we are off to the very violent races. Will this be a longer affair like their first matchup, or is this going to be a Goldberg vs. Lesnar type hard and fast fight?

It’s going to be a longer affair: Roman is now getting suplexed over and over again, and looks like he needs a nap.
Wrestlemania 2018
Brock is just destroying Roman, but he won’t stay down. Multiple F-5s! More German suplexes! Putting him through an announce table! Roman won’t stay down, though. OK well he is staying down but he is still kicking out. F-5 number five and... a kick out!

Roman briefly makes a stand after being busted open — like, severely busted open, immediate crimson mask busted open — and hits a spear, but it doesn’t sit Lesnar down. Instead, Lesnar hits another F-5, and this time, Roman doesn’t kick out. Lesnar is still your reigning, defending WWE Universal Champion, and suddenly, there are a lot more questions than answers in RAW’s main event.

Braun Strowman and Mystery Partner vs. Sheamus and Cesaro
Braun Strowman destroyed a Mardi Gras float on his way to the ring, and then announced his mystery partner is someone from the crowd in New Orleans. What is going on here, WrestleMania is out of control. Wrestlemania 2018

Oh my God, Braun picked a child out of the crowd to be his tag partner. A literal child. Sheamus and Cesaro are mortified and confused, and Braun screamed at the kid to get in the ring. Wrestlemania 2018

Braun Strowman is really going to try to do this by himself. He might be able to, but he’s going to have to keep Cesaro and Sheamus from double teaming him after tags. lol they’re trash talking poor Nicholas. Wrestlemania 2018

NICHOLAS TAGGED IN, NICHOLAS TAGGED IN and he tagged right back out

Braun Strowman gets the pin, and Nicholas is a RAW Tag Team Champion, and so is Braun, what is even happening I don’t care don’t explain it I love it.. Wrestlemania 2018

Heeeeeere we go. We’re down to the final three matches of the night, and the final SmackDown bout of WrestleMania 34. It’s AJ Styles vs. men’s Royal Rumble winner Shinsuke Nakamura, in a rematch of their New Japan Pro Wrestling classic. This time, it’s for the WWE Championship, which makes more sense in a WWE match than it would have in a New Japan ring. Wrestlemania 2018

This entrance by Shinsuke Nakamura is incredibly Shinsuke: he has a band comprised of many violinists, many drummers, and Alice Cooper’s guitarist, Nita Strauss, shredding for him.***

AJ Styles knows all Nakamura’s tricks, and it’s really hampering Shinsuke’s offensive game here early on. There is a whole lot of Styles or Nakamura kicking the legs out from under their opponent here early on. Nakamura has been going hard early, which tends to be a very good sign in his matches. Wrestlemania 2018

The crowd has been quieter during this match, but they seem interested — just quiet. They’re still reacting to the ebb and flow of the match. Wrestlemania 2018

Both of Nakamura and Styles are now on the mat, looking half-dead. Styles’ back seems to a problem for him now, which means no Styles Clash if he can’t lift Nakamura. Don’t worry, though, Styles then managed to avoid getting kicked hard, because Nakamura’s leg is hurting him. The damage meter of both wrestlers is filling up fast!

Styles hit a Phenomenal Forearm on Nakamura, but couldn’t quite get the three count — he then tried to ramp things up with a springboard 450 off the ropes, but Nakamura countered it into a pin. His leg is still bugging him, but he avoided getting crushed by one of Styles’ top flying maneuvers, so... split-decision. Wrestlemania 2018

Shinsuke and Styles are now trading forearms, and it seems like Styles got the upper hand as the kicks start flying. Pele Kick, but Nakamura managed to knee Styles in the back of the head and attempted another pin — still not enough to put Styles down, though. Wrestlemania 2018

Styles counters a Kinshasa long enough to get a Styles Clash off, and then, shockingly, pins Nakamura 1-2-3 to retain the WWE Championship. Huh. Both Royal Rumble winners lost in their championship matches, but Nia Jax, who challenged without a Rumble win, won the RAW Women’s title. Maybe Reigns will beat Lesnar the same way, sans Rumble win.**

This feud has been gross, because Alexa Bliss spent it saying horrible things about Nia Jax’s body and body image, but the good news is that Nia Jax can destroy Alexa tonight and come out on top, so that the terrible person saying terrible things meets a terrible end. Wrestlemania 2018

Nia’s wearing gold, she’s ready to win this championship. Dress for the job you want and all that. This match might end up being short — not because of what time it is, but because Nia is full of rage and has the tools to use it, while Alexa is going to learn very quickly she is overconfident and in mortal danger. Wrestlemania 2018

Alexa immediately threw her buddy Mickie James in Nia’s path, and Mickie is possibly dead. And now being rag dolled. Alexa made a mistake instead of running by trying to sneak attack her, and now is hoping Nia will show mercy...

Alexa got murked repeatedly for a bit, but she started wrestling smart and trying to take Nia’s legs out, and that could keep her grounded just enough to give Alexa a chance. A chance to win? A chance to just not die? Hey, a chance is a chance. Wrestlemania 2018

And Nia is already back to tossing Alexa around, even if her knee is hurting more than it was.

Twisted Bliss to the outside, and Nia gets knocked down. Alexa is running circles around Nia, attacking when it’s relatively safe, and it’s letting her stay in charge of the match. Wrestlemania 2018

Alexa started screaming at Nia, which probably wasn’t a good plan, because it appears to have reminded Nia of why she was furious at Alexa to begin with. In a related story, Alexa is now on the mat getting hit hard, and crawling away.

Alexa keeps poking Nia in the eye, and now she’s raking her eyes, and is this ref blind what the heck call her on those! Nia doesn’t need her eyes to throw Alexa hard into the mat, at least, and, welp, Alexa is down again.

Daniel Bryan is back! It’s his first match since retiring in February 2016, due to neck and concussion injuries. He’ll team up with SmackDown’s commissioner, Shane McMahon, to take on Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, who Shane has hated on unfairly for months and months. Bryan was in their corner the whole time until they attacked him in response to being fired, which was the result of McMahon being attacked by the two.

Why are Shane and Bryan teaming up after this one attack? Probably because one of the two is going to turn on the other here! Let’s see which one it’ll be, while also hoping Daniel Bryan can stay as healthy as his doctors say he will. Wrestlemania 2018


By the way, if Zayn and Owens win, they’re rehired by WWE. If they lose... well, I’m sure Stephanie McMahon will spitefully hire them on RAW to make her brother whom she hates angry.

A sneak attack by Owens and Zayn in the ring during their entrance theme! And Daniel Bryan has already been powerbombed into the apron, before the match even officially begins.

Bryan is being attended to by paramedics on the outside, while Shane McMahon attempts to wrestle what is, for now, a 2-on-1 handicap tag match. Wrestlemania 2018

Shane O’Mac is trying, but he probably doesn’t know he’s internally bleeding after coming back from surgery. Unfortunate, if you think about it.

So... does Bryan come back in for a hot tag to save Shane? Or does he show up and turn on Shane? Or does Shane get mad because Bryan is hurt and then attacks Bryan for not helping him out? STILL SO MANY POSSIBILITIES OUT HERE. Wrestlemania 2018

Bryan is back, and he broke up a pin on Shane! Which is good, because after I told you Shane is probably bleeding internally, he took like 17 more major moves to his gut.

Bryan tags in! Sami Zayn looks unsure of what is about to happen to him. Bryan is motoring, it’s like 2013-2014 all over again, replete with knees to faces. Wrestlemania 2018


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