Join The Fully Upgraded ClickBank University

Our Clients Have Earned $3.5 Billion, 

Join The Fully Upgraded ClickBank University 2.0

  • 8-Week Affiliate + 12-Week Vendor Class
  • Bi-Weekly Expert Classes
  • Specially Curated Add-on Trainings
  • CBU Toolkit and Traffic Center

    • Massive Discounts on our Favorite Tools
    • Live Events for a Fraction of the Price
    • AND The Exclusive ClickBank University Community
    • And Surprise bonuses

The most important day in a person’s life online is 
when they see that first ClickBank sale come in.

It’s an online rite of passage. Once that first sale is made, you *know* more sales can quickly follow.
The next most important day?
The day you hold that first check from ClickBank in your hands.

Follow in the Exact 

Footsteps of PROVEN7 and 8-Figure ClickBank Winners

When it comes to helping you build your online business, whom do you trust?
This is not a trick question.
Because until ClickBank University, despite the seemingly endless procession of gurus out there, there was no single reputable source for the latest in how to launch a ClickBank-based business.
That’s why we decided to create our own. So you’d have the very best information. Information that’s dependable, reliable and trustworthy.


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